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Posted By Topic: A question for all. Please advise.       - Views: 2087
16-Dec 2009 Wednesday 11:49 AM (5397 days ago)               #1
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quote originally posted by rekie:

Hi all.

I am 20 years old and I would like to start investing my money in the best way. I have just started
saving and have about 500 to 1000.

I would really appreciate it if you experts can advise a newbie like me on how I can grow my little
amount of money.

Thanks in advance.

Ermmmm...... $500 to $1000. I tink can only put in bank....... cannot realli do any meaningful

Maybe buy 1 lot of Singpost?
Add $50 more and buy 1 lot of K-Reit?

I realli cannot tink of any investment.......

Btw, hav u started working yet? If u r working, u should start saving more to build up a sum of
money for investment. U need at least $10, 000 to make any meaningful investments.

Why would someone surf a betting forum and flame another person if he himself nber bet?

Most females nber bet on soccer but I dun see them surfing a betting forum "just for fun" and start flaming people.

Singaporean males realli have lots of free time on their hands. Should try to make more babies to help the birth rates.



17-Dec 2009 Thursday 3:03 AM (5397 days ago)            #2
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Keep saving your money till u have 5000, then u can do something on investments.If you think of how to use this sum of money and do something meaningful, go study the property course, singapore property is booming soon.Now is opportunity to enter the market and i believe your returns will be more.g6

Good Luck & Cheerios

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19-Dec 2009 Saturday 2:17 AM (5395 days ago)            #3
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U still young lah Take time to learn, enough knowledge & capital then shud start ! me been avid investor till recently (now tied up wit big business) Suggest: U really got to have some base 1st & build frm there. Most importantly always learn frm yr own mistakes meaning u got to know yrself well enough as much as U know the market Smile Smile



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