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Posted By Topic: straits Asia       - Views: 2592
11-Jun 2009 Thursday 10:40 PM (5586 days ago)               #1
*Gold Member*

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Watch this stock to burst $2.00/-

Most promising energy stock to far I have been making $$$ on this counter alone ...up & away !

Cheers !

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30-Jun 2009 Tuesday 9:54 PM (5567 days ago)            #2
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Upgrade to
Previous Rating: HOLD
Fair Value: S$2.07

Energy markets tightening. Straits Asia Resources Ltd (SAR) has seen
its share price more than doubled since its March lows, in tandem with the
resurgence of oil prices. The impact of global economic stimulus plans
has started to flow into the real economy, leading to tighter energy markets.
Improvements in fundamentals bode well for SAR, as firmer coal prices
will boost its revenue. Management holds the view that energy markets
will continue to tighten in 2H09 and is optimistic that its FY10 output will
be priced at more favourable levels than recent spot prices of around US$60/
FY09 output fully committed. Since our last update, SAR has entered
into sales agreements for the remaining 27% of its FY09 output. We
estimate a blended ASP of US$85/ton for its FY09 output, slightly lower
than our previous US$87 forecast due to recent weak coal prices.
Nevertheless, this is still above FY08's ASP of US$70.50/ton, putting the
group on track to deliver record earnings in FY09. This is also well above
its breakeven cost of approximately US$38/ton. Production volumes have
picked up in 2Q09 following a seasonally wet and slow 1Q09, and we
expect output to gain momentum from 2H09 onwards on the back of more
favourable weather conditions and increased production capacity.
Increased production volumes to propel earnings. SAR has recently
installed additional infrastructure at its mines. The enlarged capacity will
enable it to produce up to 19mt of coal per year, more than double its
targeted FY09 production volume of 9mt. Management targets to ramp up
its production to 19mt by FY12, pending the resolution of forestry boundary
restrictions at Sebuku. We expect growing production volumes to drive
SAR's earnings in FY10 and beyond. A sustained recovery of energy prices
will serve as an added boost to its earnings. Nevertheless, we are assuming
a moderation of coal prices given that energy prices have fallen way below
their peak levels attained in 2008.
Improving outlook; upgrade to BUY. We have adjusted our earnings
estimates by -20% to +2% as we lower our FY09 ASP assumption and
tweak our cost projections, but raise our ASP assumptions for FY10 and
beyond. This lifts our DCF-based fair value estimate to S$2.07 (previously
S$1.38). Given the stabilisation of oil prices and the improving outlook for
global energy markets, we upgrade SAR to a BUY. Dividend yield remains
attractive at 5.2%. Key risks to our assumptions include a reversal of
energy prices and refinancing risk.

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