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Posted By Topic: Qns from a Newbie       - Views: 1867
28-Mar 2009 Saturday 11:50 PM (5661 days ago)               #1
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I am looking to venture into NYSE.. anyone can provide some help on the following..

1) how do i go about setting up an account to trade US stocks?
2) what happens to my shares if the company is nationalised?

thanks in advance Smile



29-Mar 2009 Sunday 4:06 AM (5661 days ago)            #2
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1. You have 2 choices: online trading a/c or IB trading a/c.

For online trading a/c, the best 1 is etrade where it's fees is lower than the IB trading a/c.

Ib trading a/c - just go to any IB that offer trading platform to nyse. Most IBs in Singapore provide that. The commission fees defer a lot so check out at their perspective website.

2. If a company is nationalized, your share will worth zero. The only return to you is dividend which normally will be zero as well since government hold complete majority of shares.

If a company get bailed out or other company make a acquisitions of your company(Bear Stearns, Washington mutual, Wachovia......), you will get a offer price which normally is much lower than current share price (eg. bear stearns was traded at $65 and the offer price made by JP Morgan was $2). If you decided not to accept the offer, then you will keep the share and be a minority shareholder and get dividend(again, normally you won't get any as all their profit will be distribute to their parent company).

If the company required help from government to prevent bankruptcy (AIG, Citi, BofA), then the company will continue to trade on the board but it's share price normally will drop like a stone as their future prospect is darker than ink. Besides that, government that help the company get preferred share which is superior to common share that we can buy. So all future earnings from the company will likely to distribute to preferred shareholder which is government.

Any other questions?

29-Mar 2009 Sunday 3:21 PM (5661 days ago)            #3
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quote originally posted by iam40342:

1. You have 2 choices: online trading a/c or IB trading a/c.

For online trading a/c, the best 1 is etrade where it's fees is lower than the IB trading a/c.

Ib trading a/c - just go to any IB that offer trading platform to nyse. Most IBs in Singapore provide that. The commission fees defer a lot so check out at their perspective website.

2. If a company is nationalized, your share will worth zero. The only return to you is dividend which normally will be zero as well since government hold complete majority of shares.

If a company get bailed out or other company make a acquisitions of your company(Bear Stearns, Washington mutual, Wachovia......), you will get a offer price which normally is much lower than current share price (eg. bear stearns was traded at $65 and the offer price made by JP Morgan was $2). If you decided not to accept the offer, then you will keep the share and be a minority shareholder and get dividend(again, normally you won't get any as all their profit will be distribute to their parent company).

If the company required help from government to prevent bankruptcy (AIG, Citi, BofA), then the company will continue to trade on the board but it's share price normally will drop like a stone as their future prospect is darker than ink. Besides that, government that help the company get preferred share which is superior to common share that we can buy. So all future earnings from the company will likely to distribute to preferred shareholder which is government.

Any other questions?

Thanks iam40342 for ur replies Smile

Further qns:
1) Is there any additional trading/account setup fees that you need to pay for US trading as compared to local trading?

2) to clarify further on the company that is nationalised, if i hold some common stock in a company and the US govt decides to nationalise the company, the govt does not buy over these shares or compensate the common share holders before delisting the company?

29-Mar 2009 Sunday 8:45 PM (5660 days ago)            #4
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quote originally posted by Sh|t:

Thanks iam40342 for ur replies

Further qns:
1) Is there any additional trading/account setup fees that you need to pay for US trading as compared to local trading?

2) to clarify further on the company that is nationalised, if i hold some common stock in a company and the US govt decides to nationalise the company, the govt does not buy over these shares or compensate the common share holders before delisting the company?

1. Yes. Most of them have add. fees. a/c setup fees is very low (less than 20, some offer 0). The add. fees i am talking about is hidden such as bank charges, maintenance fees or some sort like that. You have to ask properly before open an a/c. Also, there will be a minimum commission charges and if im not mistaken should be 150. If you decide to go for local IB, then there will most likely be double charges of commission (singapore and US). Ask properly on these matters.

If a company is nationalized by government by force (northern rock bank of England), then sorry, there will be no offer price or compensation for the holder of common shares. The Owners' Equity is directly wiped out and all you can hope for is dividend which is impossible since government will use the profit for other development and won't distribute it to shareholders. This is why Northern Rock fell from 1200 pound to less than 1 pound where there were no buyer.

Be cautious when deciding to buy companies like that.

29-Mar 2009 Sunday 11:36 PM (5660 days ago)            #5
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very informative, for me.

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02-Apr 2009 Thursday 10:36 PM (5656 days ago)            #6
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quote originally posted by iam40342:

1. You have 2 choices: online trading a/c or IB trading a/c.

For online trading a/c, the best 1 is etrade where it's fees is lower than the IB trading a/c.

Ib trading a/c - just go to any IB that offer trading platform to nyse. Most IBs in Singapore provide that. The commission fees defer a lot so check out at their perspective website.

2. If a company is nationalized, your share will worth zero. The only return to you is dividend which normally will be zero as well since government hold complete majority of shares.

If a company get bailed out or other company make a acquisitions of your company(Bear Stearns, Washington mutual, Wachovia......), you will get a offer price which normally is much lower than current share price (eg. bear stearns was traded at $65 and the offer price made by JP Morgan was $2). If you decided not to accept the offer, then you will keep the share and be a minority shareholder and get dividend(again, normally you won't get any as all their profit will be distribute to their parent company).

If the company required help from government to prevent bankruptcy (AIG, Citi, BofA), then the company will continue to trade on the board but it's share price normally will drop like a stone as their future prospect is darker than ink. Besides that, government that help the company get preferred share which is superior to common share that we can buy. So all future earnings from the company will likely to distribute to preferred shareholder which is government.

Any other questions?


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